تقنيات متفرقةشاشات التلفاز وملحقاتها

DisplayLink محول من اى جهاز لاى شاشة بدعم USB 3.0

يبدو ان مؤتمر IDF لم يخرج كل جديده بعد DisplayLink تقدم لنا محول جديد اهم ما يميزه هو تدعمه لتقنية USB 3.0 و قابليته للتعامل مع اى جهاز و لاى شاشة و ذلك لاحتواءه على مخرج HDMI , VGA بالاضافة لمخرج شبكة سلكية مدمج .

الطرازين DL-3000 و DL-1000 يدعمون نقل الفيديو عالى الدقة HD و الجيل الثالث من تقنية الضغط الميديا لدى DisplayLink التى تتعامل مع السرعة العالية ثنائية الاتجاه توفرها تقنية الـ USB 3.0 لتحصل فى النهاية على جودة عالية فى بث الفيديو عالى الدقة و رسوميات ذات جودة عالية تعرض على اكثر من جهاز عرض دون مشاكل عبر مخارج المحول المختلفة , ولمن يريد الشراء الجهاز سيكون متاح فى الاسواق خلال النصف الاول من العام القادم .

تقنية USB 3.0 ستفتح افاق جديدة فى مجالات بث و عرض الفيديو بجودة عالية لذلك توقعوا المزيد من الانجازات خلال 2011

البيان الصحفى و مزيد من التفاصيل بالداخل  

PALO ALTO, Calif. – September 13, 2010 – DisplayLink Corp., the market share leader with more than three million USB graphics users worldwide, today provided a glimpse at its new SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0) chip platform for next generation displays, docking stations and other integrated devices to be showcased next week at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco, California, in booth #948.

The new DisplayLink single-chip family, DL-3000 and DL-1000 series, includes integrated display and networking connectivity, high performance audio and HD video support, as well as third generation DisplayLink adaptive real-time compression technology that dynamically manages bandwidth, taking full advantage bi-directional throughput of SuperSpeed USB.  This means multiple full HD videos, high resolution graphics and networking data can be processed simultaneously, while also  substantially increasing today’s HighSpeed USB (USB 2.0) graphics performance and enabling graphics delivery over gigabit Ethernet.

This new platform will enable a wide range of applications that create an interactive connection between device and display. These include:
•    USB or Ethernet bus powered monitors
•    Universal USB docking stations with graphics, networking, and audio
•    Affordable Ethernet and USB zero clients for shared resource computing
•    USB to HDMI adapters for PC to TV connectivity
•    USB to DVI, VGA or DisplayPort adapters for multi-display notebooks
•    Mobile device to display
•    Dual-Headed USB bus powered graphics adapters

“DisplayLink technology has enabled the new category of universal docking stations, in addition to zero clients and other devices that are used by major corporations and educational institutions globally,” added Dennis Crespo, executive vice president of marketing and business development at DisplayLink.  “We look forward to working with our customers to develop a host of next-generation, creative devices that solve real world problems for the digital consumer.”

SuperSpeed USB is capable of running up to 10 times faster than the previous generation of the technology transferring data at speeds of up to 5Gbps.

“DisplayLink is stepping to the forefront of SuperSpeed USB technology, enabling OEMs to offer state-of-the-art products that are capable of transmitting a vast amount of data very quickly,” said Jeff Ravencraft, president and chairman, USB-IF.  “SuperSpeed USB enables new compelling use cases, such as blazing fast graphics, HD video and 3D gaming over the same USB bus.”

Features of the new DisplayLink chip platform for SuperSpeed USB include:
•    Single IC support for up to two full HD displays
•    High performance HD video, 3D gaming, and beyond HD graphics
•    HDCP 2.0 for protected content playback
•    Integrated multi-channel audio
•    Networking for docking stations and zero clients
•    Support for leading display standards – DisplayPort, VGA DAC, DVI, HDMI
•    Backwards compatibility with 3+ million DisplayLink USB 2.0 graphics devices
•    USB bus power capabilities for both USB 2.0 and 3.0
•    Proven Windows driver support (XP, Vista, Windows 7, MultiPoint Server 2010, and Server 2003/2008)

“The prevalence of USB ports and the increased power of USB 3.0 make it well-suited as a display and docking station connector for both consumer and business markets, especially in today’s mobile environment. Ideally, standard network interfaces should be easy to incorporate into devices and able to handle multiple interactive tasks such as audio, graphics and video across a variety of displays,” said Rhoda Alexander Director of Monitor Research for iSuppli.

Products with integrated DisplayLink DL-3000 and DL-1000 technology are expected to reach the market in the first half of 2011.


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