الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

شركة لنوفو تحتفل ببيع 60 مليون نسخه من حاسبات ThinkPad وتزود عائلة T بتقنية NVIDIA Optimus

يا آلهي !! أعترف لكم أن هنالك عدد كبير وضخم من عائلة ThinkPad  وفي الحقيقه أغلبها بمواصفات مميزه وجميله مثل حاسبات X300 أو  W700 التي تحمل شاشتين بنفس الوقت والعديد التي لايمكنني ذكرها.هذا الشهر سيتم بيع مايقارب 60 مليون نسخه من عائلة ThinkPad  طبعا هذا الرقم يحكي لنا أن المبيعات بدأت من أول ظهور لهذه العائلة إلى لحد الآن وكأحتفالات بهذا الرقم المذهل قامت الشركة بتحديث عائلة T للحاسبات المحموله مثل T410 و T410s  و T510 من ناحية معالج الرسوميات فهم سيحصلون على NVIDIA NVS 3100M كخيار بتقنية Optimus للتبديل مابين معالج الرسوميات المتصل والمنفصل للحفاظ على أكبر قدر من عمر البطارية كما أن هذه العائلة تستخدم معالجات Core i5 و أختيار السعه أما كان نوعه قرص صلب أو وسائط تخزينية SSD .الأثنان T410 / T510 سيكونان بـ 1299 دولار أمريكي فما فوق أما النحيل T410s فهو بـ 1849 دولار أمريكي .

البيان الصحفي بالداخل

Lenovo Reaches Major Milestone – 60 Million ThinkPad Laptops Sold
Introduces Industry’s First Business-Focused Laptops with NVIDIA Optimus Technology

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC – October 5, 2010: Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) today announced that sales of ThinkPad laptops will surpass 60 million this month. More than 14 ThinkPad laptops are now sold every 60 seconds, contributing to Lenovo’s position as the fastest growing major PC company1. Throughout its evolution, begun 18 years ago to date, ThinkPad has recorded many ground- breaking innovation firsts like the first spill resistant keyboard and protective roll cage. Also today, Lenovo is elevating graphics performance by adding NVIDIA Optimus technology on ThinkPad T410, T410s and T510 laptops.

“Long recognized as a hallmark for innovation and excellence, ThinkPad has been the trusted laptop brand for business users around the world for nearly two decades,” said Peter Hortensius, senior vice president, Think Product Group, Lenovo. “With Lenovo, ThinkPad has grown even stronger for quality, reliability and performance, and we’ll continue to drive our commitment to innovation further as we design future ThinkPad laptops.”

Record of Innovation
With more than 2,000 design awards under its belt, ThinkPad has helped transform laptop computing and changed the way people use their PCs. Famous firsts include:

* First modern laptop to fly in space
* First with a spill-resistant keyboard
* First with built-in CD-ROM First with built-in DVD-ROM
* First with built-in wireless First with embedded security subsystem
* First with built-in fingerprint reader
* First thinnest, lightest full-function 13-inch laptop2
* First dual screen mobile workstation

Watch, Play and Win with ThinkPad in October
In celebration of this milestone, Lenovo is rewarding customers with a Customer Appreciation Event (http://shop.lenovo.com/us/landing_pages/promos/thinkpad/ThinkPad-sale) featuring up to 15 percent discounted pricing on select ThinkPad models purchased in the U.S. The promotion begins today and runs through Oct. 8.

Log onto Lenovo’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/lenovo) to match major ThinkPad milestones to their date in history for a chance to win a ThinkPad laptop. Learn more at this page and watch a video about past and present innovations and what the future holds for ThinkPad design. And read personal stories about users’ oldest ThinkPad laptops at Lenovo Blogs.

Killer Graphics Performance Plus Extreme Battery Life
NVIDIA Optimus technology makes graphics automatic, instantaneous and seamless. Users no longer have to manually force switching to reduce performance and save battery life. Now they can have extended battery life and electrifying multimedia performance. ThinkPad laptops with Optimus achieve up to 33 percent longer battery life over discrete only or switchable models3. That adds up to one extra hour of battery life per charge3. ThinkPad is the only laptop supporting this kind of graphics performance on four displays via select ThinkPlus docks.

“New technologies like NVIDIA Optimus are making ThinkPads even smarter,” said Rene Haas, general manager, Notebook Products, NVIDIA. “Never before has there been a solution that so effectively eliminates the tradeoffs between riveting graphics performance and long battery life. Visual content is the most popular and important form of data today, and we’ve built the NVIDIA NVS 3100M graphics processor to be the perfect processor for the task.”

Pricing and Availability4
The ThinkPad T410, T410s and T510 laptops with Nvidia Optimus technology are available immediately through business partners and www.lenovo.com. Pricing begins at approximately $1,299 for the T410 and T510 and $1,849 for the T410s.
For the latest Lenovo news, subscribe to Lenovo RSS feeds or follow Lenovo on Twitter and Facebook.

About Lenovo
Lenovo (HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) is dedicated to building exceptionally engineered personal computers. Lenovo’s business model is built on innovation, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction as well as a focus on investment in emerging markets. Formed by Lenovo Group’s acquisition of the former IBM Personal Computing Division, the company develops, manufactures and markets reliable, high-quality, secure and easy-to-use technology products and services worldwide. Lenovo has major research centers in Yamato, Japan; Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, China; and Raleigh, North Carolina. For more information see www.lenovo.com.
1Based on IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly PC Tracker for 2Q 2010 compared to Dell, HP, Acer, Apple and Toshiba. 2Compared to major vendors offering 13-inch widescreen notebook PCs: Sony, Dell, Apple, Asus and Fujitsu Siemens. Full featured defined as including technologies such as built-in DVD burner, selection of USB ports, Ethernet connection, replaceable battery and more (as of product introduction in Feb.2008).
3ThinkPad T410s with Nvidia Optimus versus T410s with current Nvidia switchable graphics using MobileMark 2007.
4Prices do not include tax or shipping and are subject to change without notice and is tied to specific terms and conditions. Reseller prices may vary. Price does not include all advertised features. All offers subject to availability. Lenovo reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time without notice.


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