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شركة Turtle Beach تكشف عن سماعة الرأس PX3 و Z6A مخصصه لمحبي الألعاب

أعلنت الشركه Turtle Beach عن سماعتين للرأس جديدتان وهما PX3 و Z6A مخصصتان لمحبي الألعاب وسيتم الأعلان عنهما مرة أخرى خلال مؤتمر الألعاب E3 .عموما سماعة الوايرلس PX3 التي أمامكم  وتملك 18 خاصيه للأعدادات وهنالك المزيد منها يمكن تحميلها من خلال موقع شركة الأم .السماعه مخصصه لجهاز الألعاب البلاي ستيشن لكنها تعمل أيضا على جهاز الألعاب الأكس بوكس 360  كما أنها أول سماعة رأس تحمل بطاريات قابله للشحن مرة أخرى  ويمكنها الصمود لعشر ساعات اخرى .

هنالك السماعه Z6A وهي صديقة الأكس بوكس ولديها ثمانية وضعيات لأختيار مستوى ونوع الصوت كما أنها تملك خاصية 5.1 للصوت المحيطي  وعلى الرغم من أنها بنفس قوة أخيها ألا أنها ستحتاج إلى منفذ USB الموجود على جهازك .

سعر السماعه الأولى هي 150 والثانيه 100 دولار أمريكي وسيتم عرضهما كما ذكرت الأسبوع القادم خلال مؤتمر E3 . هي ! هل رأيت شكل Z6A ؟

Turtle Beach® Introduces Ear Force® PX3 Programmable Wireless Headset For PS3™ and XBOX® 360

Ear Force PX3 Programmable Wireless Gaming Headset Gives Console and PC Gamers the Immersive Experience and Competitive Edge they Need

Elmsford, N.Y., June 1, 2011 – Turtle Beach, the gaming headset category pioneers and market leader, today announced today their latest innovations for 2011; the PX3 Programmable Wireless Stereo Headset and the Z6A Multi-Speaker Surround Sound Headset. Both new headsets will make their debuts at the 2011 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, California, from June 7-9, 2011 at the Turtle Beach booth #435 in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Turtle Beach Ear Force PX3 Programmable Wireless Gaming Headset

Engineered primarily for use with PlayStation 3 – and also compatible with Xbox 360 and PC/Mac gaming – the PX3 is the “kid brother” to the highly acclaimed Ear Force PX5 programmable wireless surround sound headset launched earlier this year. Like the PX5, the PX3 comes preloaded with 18 interchangeable audio presets that allow gamers to select their desired audio experience. Additional stereo audio presets will also be made available for download from the Turtle Beach website for easy installation into the PX3; letting users enjoy a personalized assortment of in-game audio experiences. The PX3 is also Turtle Beach’s first headset to feature a rechargeable battery pack, providing over 10 hours of uninterrupted game play and an auxiliary input so you can listen to your favorite music while gaming. In addition, like the PX5, the PX3 has an impressive set of audio features, including Sonic Lens with Sound Field Expander that widens or narrows the sound field to focus on specific frequencies and Ear Guard™ with Blast Limiter technology, which limits the intensity of deafening sounds.

MSRP: $149.95
Availability: Summer 2011

Turtle Beach Ear Force Z6A Multi-Speaker Surround Sound Headset

Powered by a 5.1 channel amplifier with bass enhancement, the Ear Force Z6A combines the audio quality and comfort of a professional-grade gaming headset. The Z6A comes complete with eight amplified speakers including dual subwoofers, delivering realistic directional audio for a more immersive audio experience. The speakers are acoustically angled toward the user’s ears, allowing gamers to pinpoint critical sound cues from every direction, such as the sound of approaching footsteps, incoming enemy vehicles, or the click of someone reloading in the distance. With oversized mesh ear cushions and a lightweight design, the Z6A is perfect for long gaming sessions, and with a quick disconnect cable and USB power, it is the ideal solution for LAN tournaments and parties. The Z6A is also features XBOX 360 compatibility with an optional cable kit.

MSRP: $99.95
Availability: Summer 2011
“We are the category leader because we are the only headset maker solely focused on gamers’ unique audio needs,” said Carmine Bonanno, President and CEO of Turtle Beach. We redefined what a gaming headset could do when we introduced the PX5 earlier this year. One message we have heard from gamers load and clear is that they want to control their gaming experience as much as possible. The PX3 allows us to bring many of the PX5’s amazing innovations to an even broader audience, while the Z6A offers PC gamers a competitive edge with a flexible multi-driver surround sound experience that provides the comfort needed for long gaming sessions.”


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