الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيهتقنيات متفرقة

القرص الصلب Samsung Spinpoint M8 بسعة واحد تيرابايت نحيل أعني نحيل جدا

المشكله هنا هي أنه كل مازاد سعة القرص الصلب كل ماثقل حجمه وسماكته لذالك بدأت الشركه الكوريه سامسونج منذ زمن في عمل حميّه لهذه الأقراص وبالفعل القرص الصلب Spinpoint M8 نجح في ذالك ولقد كان الرابح في هذه المسابقه فمع أنه بسعة واحد تيرابايت موزع على صفيحتين بسعة 500 جيجابايت شكرا لتقنية AFT Advanced  وسماكة هذا القرص هي 9.5 ملم بدلا من السماكه المعتاده 12.5 ملم  كما أنه مع هذه الرشاقه أصبح أداءه عالي مع أستهلاك أقل بكثير للطاقه .هل تريد واحد لوضعه في حاسبك ؟ يمكنك ذالك فقط بـ 129 دولار أمريكي .

البيان الصحفي بالداخل

Samsung Electronics Unveils Terabyte Hard Drive for Notebooks

SEOUL, Korea, June 9, 2011: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in digital consumer electronics and information technology, today announced its 500 gigabyte per platter, one terabyte internal hard disk drive, Spinpoint M8 for use in mobile computing applications such as notebooks.

Samsung’s Spinpoint M8, which consists of two 500 gigabyte platters, provides users with one terabyte storage space. The form factor support the 9.5mm height to comfortably fit in mobile computing applications.

The high density was achieved by utilizing advanced format technology (AFT), which raises the data storage density per unit area, enabling efficient and convenient data storage. A reduced number of components such as disks and heads also contribute to approximately seven percent increase in operation speeds and eight percent decline in power demand.

The dual-platter Spinpoint M8 operates on a high-performance 3 gigabits per second SATA interface, provides an eight megabyte buffer memory and incorporates EcoSeek™ and NoiseGuard™ features for minimal noise levels. A redesign of the overall structure ensures enhanced shock resistance to protect the disk from physical fracture and data loss.

Samsung’s C.H. Lee, vice president of storage strategic marketing said, “The new Spinpoint M8 line-up supports the ongoing growth curve for high density data storage densities, especially as it raises the bar to exceed terabyte density levels in the mobile computing space.”

Spinpoint M8 is currently in mass production and available worldwide with the 1TB drive at an MSRP of $129.00.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2010 consolidated sales of US$135.8 billion. Employing approximately 190,500 people in 206 offices across 68 countries, the company consists of eight independently operated business units: Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, Digital Imaging, Semiconductor and LCD. Recognized as one of the fastest growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs, semiconductors, mobile phones and TFT-LCDs. For more information, please visit www.samsungelectronics.com.


مقالات ذات صلة

‫6 تعليقات

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    لكن بعد فترة باذن الله نلقاها عندنا ومسيطرة على السوق

  3. ايش قاعده تسوي سامسونج هذي ؟؟؟!!

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    لا وبعد في مجالات متنوعة !!!

    بالتوفيق سامسونج …
    ومشكور أخوي سلطان عالخبر …

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