أخبار ساخنةالحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

شركة AMD تعلن عن رقائق Fusion A-Series:عشر ساعات ومحرك الرسوميات DirectX11 ودعم USB 3.0

لاشك أن منصة AMD Llano قد لفتت أنتباه كبير لمحبي المعالجات ولكن أخيرا أعلنت الشركه عن منصتها المهجنه مابين المعالج ومعالج الرسوميات المعروفه بأسم Fusion A-Series بتقنية 32 نانو متر والتي تستهدف قطاع الحاسبات المكتبيه والمحموله ومن المؤكد لمنافسة معالجات أنتل للعام 2011 مع الوعد بأداء عالي ودعم كبير لمعالجات الرسوميات المنفصله وبطاريه بأمكانها الصمود لعشر ساعات .

الشركه تقول أن هذه الرقائق الجديده تقدم أداء عالي وحتى مع دعم معالجات الرسوميه المنفصله فأنها تزيد من أداء الرسوميات بنسبة 75 بالمئه من خلال تقنيه جديده تحمل اسم “Dual Graphics” .

هذه الرقائق أصبحت جاهزه لسوق الحاسبات المكتبيه وهذه السنه سنرى منها 150 حاسب  أما فيما يخصّ بعالم الحاسبات المحموله فهنالك 7 أنواع من المعالجات المخصصه لها بذاكره مؤقته 4 ميجابايت  ويمكن كسر سرعة معالج A4 بمعدل 1.9 جيجاهرتز ثنائي للنواة إلى 2.5 جيجاهرتز شكرا لتقنية كسر السرعه Turbo Core كما أن هذه الرقائق قادره على التعامل مع تقنية الأبعاد الثلاثيه وتدعم وبشكل رسمي لمنافذ USB 3.0 ومحرك الرسومات DirectX11 والذاكرات العشوائيه DDR3 وDDR3L.

معالج رباعي النواه A8-3510MX APU بأمكانه الصمود لمدة 3 ساعات ونصف الساعه  أطول من معالج ثنائي النواة Core i5-2410M وسينافس معالج ثنائي النواة A4 معالجات Core i3 ومعالجات A6 رباعية النواة ستكون بـ 499 و 599 و 699 دولار أمريكي .

أوه صح تسأل عن معالجات الرسوميه المزوده برقائق A-Series فأنها ستأتي بعدة تقنيات منها Vision Engine وAMD Perfect Picture HD وهذا يعني أن فيديوهات 1080 بيكسل لن تكون عائق لديك وتقنية AMD Steady Video ستمنع منع اهتزازات الكاميرا أثناء تصوير فيديو .

البيان الصحفي وتفاصيل عن المعالجات وفيديو بالداخل

Modelx86 coresL2 cache
Shader coresClock speed (base/max)GPU clock speed


ModelRadeon graphicsTDPMax DDR3/DDR3L
A4-3300MHD 6480G35W1333MHz/1333MHZ
A4-3310MXHD 6480G45W1333MHz/1333MHZ
A6-3400MHD 6520G35W1333MHz/1333MHZ
A6-3410MXHD 6520G45W1600MHz/1333MHz
A8-3500MHD 6620G35W1333MHz/1333MHZ
A8-3510MXHD 6620G45W1600MHz/1333MHz
A8-3530MXHD 6620G45W1600MHz/1333MHz




AMD Ushers in Next Generation of Computing with AMD A-Series APUs
New AMD Fusion APUs enable brilliant graphics, supercomputer-like performance and all day battery life

SUNNYVALE, Calif. – June 14, 2011 – AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the next generation in mainstream consumer computing with the availability of the new high-performance AMD Fusion A-Series Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). Enabling truly immersive computing experiences in consumer notebooks and desktops, the AMD A-Series APUs enable brilliant HD graphics, supercomputer-like performance and over 10.5 hours of battery life.

In an increasingly digital and visually oriented world, consumers are placing ever-higher priorities on multitasking, vivid graphics, lifelike games, lag-free videos, and ultimate multimedia performance. To meet these needs, the AMD A-Series APUs combine up to four x86 CPU cores with powerful DirectX®11-capable discrete-level graphics and up to 400 RadeonTM cores along with dedicated HD video processing on a single chip. AMD A-Series APUs also allow for advanced capabilities such as gestural interfaces, multi- monitor support, 3D entertainment and real-time image stabilization.

“The AMD A-Series APU represents an inflection point for AMD and is perhaps the industry’s biggest architectural change since the invention of the microprocessor,” said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, AMD Products Group. “It heralds the arrival of brilliant all-new computing experiences, and enables unprecedented graphics and video performance in notebooks and PCs. Beginning today we are bringing discrete-class graphics to the mainstream.”

The AMD A-Series APUs (previously codenamed “Llano”) are currently shipping and scheduled to appear in more than 150 notebooks and desktopsiv from leading OEMs throughout the second quarter of 2011 and beyond. Delivering powerful serial and parallel computing capabilities for HD video, 3D rendering and data-intensive workloads in a single-die processor, the AMD A-Series APUs offer software developers unprecedented power and potential in an ever smaller package.

AMD AllDay Power: Battery Life that Lasts
The AMD A-Series APU delivers the power to match how consumers actually use their PCs: all day – without sacrificing performance. Delivering more than 10.5 hours of resting battery life – a more than 50 percent increase compared to the 2010 AMD Mainstream Platform – users can get their work done or watch multiple HD movies on a single chargev. Additionally, AMD dynamic switchable graphics optimize battery life on PCs featuring AMD dual-graphics solutions by intelligently managing power states on the APU and separate discrete AMD RadeonTM GPU.

“The battery life of the AMD A-Series APU is a huge leap forward and will surprise many consumers and commercial customers,” said Chris Cloran, Vice President and General Manager, Client Division, AMD. “And the supercomputer-like performance will give people some revolutionary capabilities, like real-time image stabilization –taking out all the shakes and jitters in those hand-held videos on the fly, while you’re watching.”

Brilliant HD: Every Pixel Matters
People are making, sharing and enjoying more digital content than ever on their PCs, and the AMD VISION Engine – cutting-edge hardware and software featured with every AMD A-Series APU that automatically helps digital content like videos, games and photos look their best. HD video is crystal clear through dedicated video playback technology and dynamic post- processing, and websites render faster with accelerated HTML5 and Direct2D performance. Editing, transferring and viewing HD content is fast and easy with support for advanced connection standards, including HDMI 1.4a, DisplayPort 1.1, and USB 3.0, along with native support for multiple monitors.

Also introduced with the AMD A-Series APU is a new feature called AMD Steady Videovi designed to stabilize videos during playback – making unsteady, jumpy content look steady and smooth. The AMD A-Series APU can also enables advanced capabilities like gestural interfaces, 3D gaming and 3D Blu-ray video entertainment – features that are now key to consumer PC experiences and expectations.

Every PC built with an AMD A-Series APU delivers brilliant HD by offering discrete-class DirectX 11-capable graphics – with models available at virtually every price point. Only AMD Fusion APUs offer true AMD Dual Graphics, with up to 75 percent graphics performance boost, when paired with an AMD RadeonTM discrete graphics cardvii. This faster, higher-quality, more vivid and lifelike delivery makes consumers feel fully present in their digital world, especially when gaming.

Personal Supercomputing: Ultimate Performance
Consumers are doing more than ever before with their PCs – from work to play – and with the AMD A-Series APU, even their laptops can keep up, delivering next generation parallel processing. With up to 400 gigaflops for notebook, and up to 500 gigaflops for desktopsviii, AMD A-Series APUs ensure users have the horsepower needed to handle the most demanding applications such as video and image processing, facial recognition, gesture recognition and multitasking scenarios. For the most challenging environments, AMD Fusion A-Series APUs offer AMD Turbo Core Technology, which dynamically optimizes and boosts CPU and GPU performance to power- efficient levels depending on the applications being run.

The Growing AMD Fusion Ecosystem
AMD has seen great momentum in the software developer community since the launch of AMD Fusion APUs in January 2011, with more than 50 leading applications now accelerated by the family of AMD Fusion APUs and advanced browsers like Internet Explorer 9 delivering even more immersive, next generation web experiences when running on an AMD Fusion APU- powered PC. And, the inaugural AMD Fusion Developer Summit, running now through June 16 in Seattle, Washington, is providing a forum for developers, academics and innovators to collaborate around parallel programming and industry standards, like OpenCLTM, helping the software ecosystem build on the promise of the latest computing methodologies.



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‫3 تعليقات

  1. بصراحه هالرقائق شي خارق من الـAMD

    أتمنى تنزل أجهزه تحملها لأن أول ما تنزل هاي الأجهزه بيكون أحدها من نصيبي

    معليه عبود أصبر انت مع لابتوبك اللي من عام 2005 هاها ها أنتظر ليه لا

    لعيون AMD تستاهل ولله ……..مواصفات كافيه ووافيه وتقنيه واعده وجديده

    شي جديد

  2. رائع رائع
    انتل ستكون من التاريخ …. AMD هي المستقبل

    ادفع اقل وإحصل على آداء أعلى
    AMD شكرا

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