الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

شركة Fujitsu تكشف عن أول حاسب أنترنت يعمل بنظام ميجو

على الرغم من أن النظام ميجو يعاني من صدماتن نفسيه وضياع مابين أنتل ونوكيا ألا أنه على مايبدو أن أول حاسب أنترنت يعمل بنظام ميجو يحطّ رحاله في سنغافوره من شركة Fujitsu .الحاسب الأنترنت LifeBook MH330 مزود بمعالج Intel Atom N455 بسرعة 1.66 جيجاهرتز والذاكرة العشوائية واحد جيجابايت والقرص الصلب 250 جيجابايت  والشاشة طولها 10.1 أنش بدرجة وضوح 1024 في 600 بأضاءة LED الخلفيه  والسعر 400 دولار أمريكي.

Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific today announced the 1st MeeGo netbook based on the Intel Atom processor – LIFEBOOK MH330.

Malaysia, February 11, 2011 – Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific today announced the debut of Fujitsu’s first MeeGo™ netbook based on the Intel® Atom™ processor, the LIFEBOOK MH330, opening up infinite social capabilities for tomorrow’s computing experience.

“For our valued users, the MeeGo-based netbook’s human-centric nature not only transcends the boundaries of netbooks but also serves as the new standard for tomorrow’s computing experience. The netbook crystallizes these two best-of-breed products and MeeGo is part of Fujitsu and Intel’s combined efforts to take the industry a big step forward,” said Mr. Lim Teck Sin Vice President, Engineering and Product Marketing, Fujitsu PC Asia Pacific. “For multimedia natives who long for enhanced interactivity and immediate multimedia access, the refreshed LIFEBOOK MH330 will definitely surpass their expectations.”

“The MeeGo open source software platform with Intel® Atom™ processors give mobile device manufacturers both the freedom and the powerful capabilities to suit a consumer’s mobile lifestyle,” said Ram Peddibhotla, System Software Marketing Director, Intel Corporation. “Intel welcomes Fujitsu and other manufacturers to the MeeGo ecosystem to give consumers a personalized netbook experience with the benefits of an optimized battery life, rich multimedia support and fast boot time.”

Fujitsu’s latest LIFEBOOK MH330 features MeeGo’s rich interface that allows users to have seamless access to a full suite of usable applications that include social networking tools and multimedia capabilities. Users can get automatic updates and transit easily between applications, browsers and various social networking sites on MeeGo’s powerful user interface which is also flexible and easy to use.

Enjoy lesser waiting time and faster web-browsing experience with the significant reduction in system reboot time. Also, users can easily manage system devices, networks, time and date, and emails, through the simple and straightforward navigation panels.

Specially designed for multimedia natives, the media panel provides an organized view of the videos and music files stored in the media library and offers immediate access and play. The panel also has a built-in control for playback. .

The Myzone panel offers a quick snapshot of the user’s personal activity and shows instant updates about the happenings in their social media sphere. Get connected easily with popular social network tools, such as twitter and Facebook, or be in touch with friends via chat.


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