الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

شركة Samsung تكشف عن Q530 و Q430 و Q330 حاسبات محموله نحيلة وموعد الأصدار في يوليو

أوكي هذه الحاسبات الثلاثه واحد من أجمل الحاسبات التي تنوي سامسونج أصدارها إلى السوق البريطاني في شهر يوليو القادم .الحاسبات المحمولة هم Q530 و Q430 و Q330  وكبدايه مع المواصفات فسماكة الأخوان الثلاث 27 ملم  وكلهم تحمل تقنية ضد الخدش أما مقاس الشاشة فهي 13.3 أنش و 14 أنش و 15.6 أنش  أما المعالج فهو Core i3-350M بسرعة 2.26 جيجاهرتز ومحرك أقراص DVD و6 خلايا للبطارية و 3 منافذ USB أذا مالأختلاف بين الثلاثه ؟ الأختلاف ببساطه في كرت الشاشة والوزن  فالحاسب المحمول USB يحمل بداخله كرت شاشة متصل من أنتل والوزن 1.96 كيلو جرام  والحاسب المحمول Q430 يحمل معالج رسوميات أقوى Q430 والوزن 2.05 كيلو جرام أما الحاسب المحمول Q530 فهو بمعالج رسوميات GeForce GT 330M والوزن 2.33 كيلو جرام

لاتوجد أخبار عن السعر ولكن هنالك تفاصيل عن طريق المؤتمر الصحفي بالداخل


Ultra slim, high performance Q330, Q430 & Q530 available from July

LONDON – May 11, 2010 – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., a market leader in consumer electronics and world leader in IT technology, today announces the launch of the Samsung Q-Series notebooks, three new thin and light, stylish notebooks which feature standard voltage CPU’s for uncompromised performance on the go.

With a thickness of just 27mm, the new Q-Series models are thinner than the average digital camera, offering unparalleled portability in a sleek design. While the Q-Series boast impressive physical features, they are also some of the highest performance notebooks in their class, thanks to Intel’s Core i3 (Calpella) platform.

Featuring a GlossSuperBright HD screen, 4GB of RAM, NVDIA graphics card and up to 500GB hard drive, the Q-Series is well equipped to handle HD and 3D content whether it’s in the office or the home environment.

To compliment the stunning looks and powerful performance, the Q-Series notebooks also offer up to five hours of battery life, giving users the flexibility and freedom to work or play on the go without having to worry about running out of power.

Speaking at the UK launch of the Q-Series notebooks at the British Museum, Graham Long, Vice President of Samsung’s IT Business Division, said: “The Q-Series combines stunning looks and powerful performance in an ultra-portable and durable chassis to provide PC users with the next generation in mobile computing.”
“With home and business computing tasks becoming increasingly complex, we believe that the Q-Series will provide a first-class solution for users who desire a stylish, lightweight and powerful notebook with a long battery life.”

Samsung All-Share
The Q-Series notebooks also come complete with Samsung All-Share – the new way to share and find files in your home. The software finds multimedia files on your home network and streams them wirelessly so they can be played on remote TV.

The easy-to-use and intuitive User Interface allows users to share, search and play media files with ease, bringing a truly portable multimedia experience to the home through seamless connectivity.


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