الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

الحاسب المحمول ASUS U30Jc متوفر اليوم بمعالج Core i3 وبتقنية Optimus ومن فئة “نحيل وخفيف”

أنا سأطرح أليك المواصفات وأنت تحدد ما أذا كنت تريده أم لا ؟ الحاسب المحمول ASUS U30Jc  بمعالج Core i3-350M وبسرعة 2.26 جيجاهرتز ومعالج الرسوميات هو  NVIDIA GeForce GT310M  وسيستخدم هذا الحاسب المحمول تقنية  Optimus  والتي تمكنك التحويل مابين معالجين للرسوميات تلقائيا بصدد الحفاظ على البطارية والتحكم بالقوة وأعطائك ماهو المطلوب. الذاكرة العشوائية 4 جيجابايت DDR3 والهاردسك 320 جيجابايت ويدعم الوايرلس والبلوتوث ومنفذ HDMI و كاميرا مدمجه .البطارية طبعا 5600mAh والتي تقول الشركة أنها تمد الحياه لهذا الحاسب لمدة 9.5 ساعه أوه نسيت ما أقولكم الشاشة بدرجة وضوح 1366 في 768 . نأتي للسعر الآن فهو بـ 899 دولار أمريكي .وهو متوفر الآن في الأسواق الأمريكية مع العلم أن تايلند تملك هذا الحاسب منذو أسبوعين. الآن أعلمني ما رأيك ؟

المؤتمر الصحفي بالداخل

ASUS Launches the U30Jc Notebook – Power and Mobility in One
The world’s first 13.3″ Notebook featuring Intel’s Core i3 processor and NVIDIA Optimus technology arrives in a thin and light design for those that demand portability and power

Fremont, California (April 5th, 2010)
— ASUS is excited to launch its strikingly stylish U30Jc notebook. For demanding productivity tasks, the U30Jc features Intel’s® latest Core™ processor that offers a perfect blend of performance and power management. ASUS is once again first to market with NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology that chooses the best graphics processor for running a given application by automatically routing the workload to the NVIDIA discrete GPU or Intel integrated graphics – delivering great performance while providing great battery life. All of this power is wrapped in an attractive yet slim and lightweight chassis that is one of the industry’s thinnest 13.3″ laptops with an integrated optical drive.

ASUS U30Jc – Delivering Great Performance and Battery Life in a Powerful Notebook
Featuring the multimedia and GPU compute savvy NVIDIA GeForce GT310M discrete graphics chipset and powered by the Intel Core i3 350M processor, the new ASUS U30Jc is designed for users who desire the best in multimedia entertainment, application productivity, and casual gaming in an energy efficient package.

From its elegant yet durable brushed aluminum exterior housing to the award winning Chicklet Wide Spaced keyboard design, the ASUS U30Jc is designed for on-the-go users needing up to 9.5 hours of battery life* to ensure a productive day. With its HDMI output, users can present high-definition multimedia content to clients or watch a movie with friends and family.

Getting online is easy as the U30Jc features Gigabit Ethernet and 802.11 N wireless capabilities along with a Webcam and microphone input for video conferencing. The NVIDIA GeForce GT310M discrete graphics, 13.3″ HD LED backlit panel, 4GB of fast DDR3 memory, and rich HD audio emanating from the Altec Lansing speakers allows the user to enjoy games such as World of WarCraft or The Sims 3 after a hard day’s work.

NVIDIA Optimus – Great Battery Life and Performance Arrive Together

ASUS is the only supplier currently offering NVIDIA Optimus technology on a complete lineup of mobile products. NVIDIA Optimus works intelligently in the background and monitors the programs being launched at any given moment. It then automatically directs the workload through the most efficient graphics processor for the job, extending battery life compared to similarly configured systems with only discrete graphics processors (GPUs). Applications such as games, GPU compute, and high definition multimedia applications will use the NVIDIA discrete GPU, while the Intel integrated graphics processor is used for operations such as email, web surfing, and document creation. The transition between discreet and integrated graphics is seamless and requires no user-intervention, it just works.

Available Now –
The ASUS U30Jc is available in the US at an introductory MSRP of $899.99 starting today. Please visit usa.asus.com for additional product specifications and details.

*Battery Life measured using MobileMark 2007 Reader Mode, actual time will vary depending on usage.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Please visit www.asus.com for more information.


مقالات ذات صلة

‫2 تعليقات

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  2. مواصفات جيدة جدا بالنسبة للسعر و حجم صغيرhttps://www.unlimit-tech.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/tango-smileys-extended/tango/evil-grin.png

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