الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيه

رسميا وخبر عاجل:شركة NVIDIA تعلن عن معالج الرسوميات GTX 480 وGTX 470


بلا مقدمات لندخل في صلب الموضوع وأنا أعني المواصفات لنبدأ بالـ GTX 480 والذي يملك 480 نواة CUDA والسرعة 700 ميجاهرتز وسرعة القصوى تصل إلى 1401 ميجاهرتز . الذاكرة طبعا هي GDDR5 بسعة 1.5 جيجاهرتز  وهذه المواصفات جعلت GF100 في الحظيظ وأذا كنت تسأل عن السعر فهو 499 دولار أمريكي ولاننسى 250 واط . ننتقل إلى الأخ الأصغر GTX 470 والذي سيكون بسرعة 607 ميجاهرتز والسرعة القصوى 1.125 ميجاهرتز أما السعه 1.2 جيجابايت وأذا كنت تسأل عن السعر 349 دولار أمريكي ومقدار الواط الذي يحتاجه هو 215 واط.

شركة نيفديا تسعى جاهدا للنيل من منافسيها وتحديدا من HD 5870 و HD 5850 صحيح خلال أختبار معالجات لم يحققا في الأداء ذالك الفرق الكبير ولكن يقدمان مستوى عالي من الصور وأيضا في مستوى السرعه .

بالداخل هنالك روابط لأغلب ممن قاموا بأختبار هذه المعالجات وهنالك أيضا  فيديوهات 🙂

اقرأ – AnandTech: “Fermi’s compute-heavy and tessellation-heavy design continues to interest us but home users won’t find an advantage to that design today.”
اقرأ – HardOCP: “The only thing that “blew us away” was the heat coming out of the video card and the sound of the fan.”
اقرأ – PC Perspective: “If you want the fastest single-GPU graphics card then the GTX 480 is the best there is.”
اقرأ – HotHardware: “Versus the single-GPU powered Radeon HD 5870, the GeForce GTX 480 is on average roughly 5% – 10% faster.”
اقرأ – Hexus: “A lot of juice means a lot of heat and load on the coolers. This is why the GeForce GTX 480’s excellent heatsink has to work overtime in keeping the GPU under 100°C.” 
اقرأLegit Reviews: “The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 was known to be hot and fast before it came out and that is exactly what it turned out as being.”


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‫4 تعليقات

  1. hi, sultan…
    I ‘m wondering why nvidia GTX 4xx takes all these advertisement and all forums talking about it, although it is slower than ATI 5970″the faster in the world.
    (according to my knowledge)

    Is that true?
    Please, answer on my question…thanks inadvance…

    1. hi my friend

      i know ATI give all the power for 5970 but you have to know there are some elements we are missing here for example last GPU are providing a lot of 3D powers for the developer they can do everything what they want and this is good so this is not only stand for the preformance

      1. first, thanks for ur answer and ur big effort in this blog.
        2nd, can u mention to me what are the specification on what the power & performance depend?
        And how can i choose my graphics card for games or multimedia (especially 3d)?
        In ur opinion what is better ATI or Nvidia?
        Last, what is the best graphics card for notebook, and a desktop(not exceeding 200$)

        sorry about elongation.

        ur brother, Mohammed

        1. your welcome not to worry just hit the question whenever you want

          what pissed me off that ATI still developing GPU depends only in one way like focusing in game and multimedia and the result is really great

          but in the mean time Nividia gave the dev all the keys to do what they want like for example high-precision and etc … . you should the reviews above

          about your choice you should ask yourself what do i want from my PC for example i want for games or am designer

          to be honest with you its hard to choice but you can tru ATI offer they did a hell of great job and Nvidia with thier last GPU also great but expensive

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