الحاسبات والأجهزه اللوحيهالهواتف النقالة

هل شركة Apple تحاول أن تطلق خدمة الأتصال عبر الأنترنت عن طريق 3G ?

بالأمس صدر تحديث جديد للحزمة التطويريه الخاصة بمطوري الآيفون  ومن المميزات التي تم الكشف عنها هي خاصية الأتصال عن طريق الأنترنت أو ماتمسى بالـ VOIP عن طريق شبكات الجيل الثالث . هنالك بعض البرامج توجد بها هذه الخاصية ولكن لن يطول الأمر حتى أن يصبح الأمر تحديث رسمي .السؤال هل هذه الخاصية سنستفيد منها من خلال جهاز الأنترنت iPad ؟

نحن نعلم أن الجهاز Apple iPad يملك كل الأمكانيات لأستعمال خاصية الـ VoIP  مثل الجيل الثالث والوايرلس و المايكروفون والتطبيقات  ولكن هنالك مشكلة أذا حدث الأمر فعلا وتمكنا من ذالك !!! كيف سنمسك بالجهاز ؟ أوه صح ! سماعات بلوتوث ؟

عموما كان الأمر حقيقي أو لا  فكيف أيضا سيتم حل مشكلة الشريحه هل ستكون هنالك شريحه بمنفذ صغير ويدعم دعم الشبكات الدولية

البيان الرسمي بالداخل :

Apple Lifts 3G VoIP Restrictions, iCall with 3G Support Available Immediately

iCall VoIP services for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch are now available for use over 3G networks such as AT&T wireless.

GREENWICH, Conn., Jan. 27 /PRNewswire/ — Apple Computer, Inc. has updated the iPhone developer SDK to allow VoIP over cellular networks. iCall is the first and only VoIP application that functions on the iPhone and iPod Touch over cellular 3G networks.

iCall is a market leader in desktop and mobile-based desktop calling platforms, including its highly popular version for the Apple iPhone. Until today, restrictions imposed on developers prohibited VoIP functionality on any 3G network.

VoIP on the iPhone has been the source of many debates with companies such as Google being denied access to the platform and the FCC inquiring as to the restrictions in the Apple App Store; iCall is one of the few VoIP applications that has been permitted by Apple to operate on the iPhone platform.

With the latest revisions Apple has made to the iPhone developer agreement and Software Development Kit, iCall for the iPhone and iPod Touch now enabled unrestricted free local and long distance calling over 3G data networks. iCall with support for VoIP over 3G networks is now available in the App Store for download. iCall is the first and only VoIP application available for the iPhone platform that allows use over 3G networks. iCall for the iPhone and iPod Touch may now be downloaded from the App Store here.

iCall CEO Arlo Gilbert is quoted as saying, “I applaud Apple’s decision to allow iCall to extend its functionality beyond Wi-Fi and onto the 3G networks. This heralds a new era for VoIP applications on mobile platforms, especially for iCall and our free calling model. I hope that now more developers will begin using our VoIP as a platform to integrate VoIP into their applications.”

About iCall, Inc.:
iCall is a privately held company providing a free and low-cost VoIP calling platform that is currently available for your desktop PC, iPhone and iPod Touch. iCall saves consumers money on phone calling through ad-supported calling.

iCall was founded in 2005 by Arlo Gilbert and Andy Muldowney with the goal of providing low and no-cost calling services to consumers. In January 2006, iCall first released its iCall Free Calling desktop application. iCall’s free calling network now boasts over more than 4 million unique downloads.
In addition to consumer products, iCall offers wholesale VoIP solutions and a developer platform through iCall Carrier Services. iCall’s private network carries over 350 million minutes of voice traffic per month to destinations around the globe


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